Each year, the MSU Foglio Speaker Series on Spirituality will offer opportunities to engage with world-renown scholars, activists, and practitioners in our collective effort to understand the role spirituality assumes in our contemporary worlds.
Focused annually around a specific theme connected to spirituality, yearly events include a Faculty Lecture and an Annual Keynote. Additionally, to further the reach and scope of our explorations, the Series will cosponsor various talks, lectures, and projects, often with a specific effort to enhance cultural diversity and global perspectives.
Each year will also include specific events dedicated to highlighting the connection between spirituality, social justice, and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusivity). Ranging from lectures to workshop trainings on antiracism to roundtable discussions, our hope is to unpack the unique role spirituality assumes in challenging normative structures and enhancing our commitment to a more just, equitable, and inclusive world.
2023-2024 Events:
Third Annual Lecture on Spirituality and Justice by Dr. Mark Umbreit (Tuesday, March 12 from 4:30-6 PM via Zoom)
Third Annual Keynote by Dr. Najeeba Syed (TO BE RESCHEDULED)
Second Annual Faculty Lecture by Dr. Tamura Lomax (Monday, December 4 from 11 AM-12 PM via Zoom)